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In House Pharmacy

You have enough on your mind without worrying about filling your medications.

That's why we offer in office refills of your cancer medications.  We typically fill our patient's medications at their office visit, saving further trips to the store.  We monitor your side effects, check on your adherence to your medication schedule; we even help find copay assistance for patients when the out-of-pocket expenses are burdensome.

Just another way we care for you at St Louis Cancer Care


 2020 by St. Louis Cancer Care, L.L.P. 

Mission Statement

"The physicians and staff of St. Louis Cancer Care, L.L.P. are committed to excellence in all aspects of the care of those living with cancer.  We are patient advocates, dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer treatments, to healing the spirit as well as the body, and to easing the burden of our patients and their families."

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