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Clinical Trials

What is a Clinical Trial?

A clinical trial is a research study in which individuals are invited to participate in investigational treatments under the supervision of a qualified physician and other research professionals.  

What is the Importance of a Clinical Trial?

Clinical research advances science and ensures that patient care is of the highest possible level of quality.  At St Louis Cancer Care LLP, we participate in clinical research involving cancer care.  We collaborate with Sarah Cannon Research Institute and the CALGB (Cancer and Leukemia Group B), as well as being involved with Industry sponsored trials.  This allows us to conduct a great variety of clinical trials granting easy access to state of the art cancer care to all our patients in the community.

What are the Benefits of Participating in a Trial?

Individuals who are invited to join a clinical trial will actively participate in the development of new medical therapies that may offer better treatments or quality of life or even cures for patients with cancer.  Patients and families will play an active role in their health care, gain access to state of the art and new treatments before they are available to the general public, and may help others by contributing to the advance of cancer research.

How to Participate in Clinical Trials

Ask your Medical Oncologist about available clinical trials.  For detailed information and answers to frequently asked questions regarding participating in clinical trials call Kelli Martin, RN at 314-291-3312.

Click here to view all currently available clinical trials



 2020 by St. Louis Cancer Care, L.L.P. 

Mission Statement

"The physicians and staff of St. Louis Cancer Care, L.L.P. are committed to excellence in all aspects of the care of those living with cancer.  We are patient advocates, dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer treatments, to healing the spirit as well as the body, and to easing the burden of our patients and their families."

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