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Preparing for your visit

About Cancer Treatments

Chemotherapy Side Effects



Here are a list of helpful hints that that we hope will make the treatment you receive as comfortable as possible:

  • Take all your medications as prescribed unless instructed otherwise

  • Make sure to eat a light healthy meal before you come for your treatment.  You may bring any food or snacks.  We do have a refrigerator in the office.

  • You may bring your favorite Blanket with you on treatment day (we do provide blankets)

  • It is encouraged to bring a companion with you especially for your first day of treatment.  We will be going over treatment, side effects and giving you instructions and it is useful to have a second pair of ears listening.  You will notified if your treatment includes Benadryl which may sedate you.

  • We have WiFi capability so you may bring your tablet, laptop, ipad etc.  If you use audio, please use headphones as a curtesy to the other patients.

  • You may bring needlework, books, crossword puzzles, games, newspapers etc.

  • We have a water cooler in the infusion rooms


 2020 by St. Louis Cancer Care, L.L.P. 

Mission Statement

"The physicians and staff of St. Louis Cancer Care, L.L.P. are committed to excellence in all aspects of the care of those living with cancer.  We are patient advocates, dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer treatments, to healing the spirit as well as the body, and to easing the burden of our patients and their families."

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